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Tom Sandal tom@carolinaracingsupply.com Hometown: Huxley, Iowa Years in Racing: 41 Favorite Cars: Open wheel modifieds Previous Employers: Haps Racing Engines (Ames, IA), Speedway Motors (Lincoln, NE)
Missy Barnette missy@carolinaracingsupply.com Hometown: Muskegon, Michigan Years in Racing: 28 Favorite Cars: Hot Wheels Previous Employers: Port City Racing (Muskegon, MI), Speedway Motors (Lincoln, NE)
Ryan Ayers ryan@carolinaracingsupply.com Hometown: Santa Clarita, CA Years in Racing: 21 Favorite Cars: Open Wheel Modifieds Previous Employers: Roush Yates Performance (Mooresville, NC), Jerico Transmission (Concord, NC)